Okay, so my machine suffered a power loss this morning, and when Time Machine went to back-up it seems to have decided it can't trust the usual event log that it uses:
02/10/2014 14:56:43.351 com.apple.backupd[63107]: Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
It then proceeds to do a deep-scan, which is understandable I suppose.
02/10/2014 14:56:43.428 com.apple.backupd[63107]: Deep event scan at path:/ reason:must scan subdirs|new event db|
02/10/2014 15:04:58.809 com.apple.backupd[63107]: Finished scan
02/10/2014 15:10:53.693 com.apple.backupd[63107]: Found 402101 files (1.8 TB) needing backup
02/10/2014 15:10:53.747 com.apple.backupd[63107]: 2.16 TB required (including padding), 1.04 TB available
However, the required space estimate is far too high; my back-up volume's total size is only 3tb, and the total data on Macintosh HD
is around 2tb, this means that if I let Time Machine continue to run it's going to delete all of my backup history and then fail with a warning that it can't backup because there isn't enough space.
This is clearly wrong however, as the back-ups on the disk are valid, and should be matching most of the files found on Macintosh HD
Is there a way I can get Time Machine to recognise this and adjust its estimate accordingly? If not then I'm going to have to start fresh with a new back-up, but that will take days to get up to date again!
I've just tried using tmutil associatedisk -a
and tmutil inheritbackup
to no avail, after an even longer deep scan it just starts trying to discard old backups again.
tmutil delete
to get rid of it so hopefully it should go back to normal!