I've found a way that works for me.
Originally, the user chillin told me I could just add this to the Info.plist
file in between the dict
tags using TextEdit:
But all I saw was some gibberish (look below for screenshots).
But then I installed XCode and opened the Info.plist
file in Property List Editor.
To open Info.plist
, go to your HD (eg. Macintosh HD) and open the Applications folder - Macintosh HD > Applications > Right Click Adium > Open Package Contents > Contents > Right Click Info.plist
and open with Property List Editor. This will open this:
Then, click Add Item at the top and name the key as LSUIElement
and the value checkbox should be checked (ie. 1 or True).
Specifies whether the app is an agent app, that is, an app that should not appear in the Dock or Force Quit window.
Note: When you click the value field, the key is automatically renamed to Application is agent (UIElement)
It should then look like this:
Then you can open up Adium and it will still be in the Menu Bar but no longer in the Dock!
This is the Info.plist
file I saw after using Property List Editor (I've highlighted one of the parts that changed):
As I said before, the method that the user chillin said worked for a few people but this worked for me. This is what I saw when chillin answered this question:
... where as I should have seen something like this (image via hotdigitalnews):
defaults write com.apple.dock hide-mirror -bool true;killall Dock