I'm looking for an iOS app, preferably for iPhone, that can browse Subversion repositories.
I have found a few on the iTunes store—Code Viewer, iVersions, iRepoEditor—but reviews are either non-existent or swing wildly from one to five stars. All I'm looking for is a way to view secured repositories and copy content out of the files. I don't need to do editing or subsequent check-ins. Syntax coloring would be nice, but not necessary. I'm not looking for an ultimate-do-everything-under-the-sun here, just something that is reliable enough to use while on the road for a quick look at the latest project iteration here or there.
Does anyone have any experience with any of them, and what were your impressions?
UPDATE: Even though no one has answered the specific question, I've still gotten some great feedback that I think could be useful. Based on the responses, here are a couple things that I think will help guide edits...
- The repository is stored on a third-party SVN hosting site, projectlocker.com I'm not sure there is a way for me to SSH in to their servers, but they do use Trac as part of their hosting package.
- The imputes for doing this comes from my using my svn repository to store and manage my homework and handouts for class, and also for answering questions about work projects in meetings. So, I'm looking for a relatively easy way to access these documents in a pinch if need be.
- I am open to options outside of simply getting an app that can read SVN repositories as long as the alternative is relatively easy. I use a GUI SVN client for a reason. ;-)