I normally use private key authentication to SSH into my mac via an iOS client. I recently upgraded to Mavericks, and started noticing the client prompting for a password rather than trying the private key first. My old /etc/sshd_config had disabled password authentication ("PasswordAuthentication no, ChallengeResponseAuthentication no"), but it looks like the upgrade process to Mavericks reset these two values to yes.
Is anybody else seeing this change? Is there any documentation on this? It seems like a significant security issue to reenable SSH password authentication by default.
ssh -v
? Edit: This is maybe true. I rember, that Mavericks changed my httpd.conf to default. Also ls -l /etc/sshd_config shows me, that the last modification date is the day I installed Mavericks-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 4062 Oct 22 23:44 /etc/sshd_config