My Magic Mouse at work looses right-click functionality every day, although System Preferences says it's enabled. I usually leave the computer at the "Login window" before leaving, and authenticate again to resume the session the next day. When I do that, right-clicking doesn't work anymore. I have to turn the mouse off and back on again to re-enable right-click functionality. I'm running OSX 10.7.5, but the problem is present at least since I upgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion (an year ago, maybe?).
I've googled this issue several times, and many other people have similar complaints, but I couldn't find a permanent fix. Does anyone know how to solve that? It's driving me crazy!
I tried replacing the mouse, but the problem persists. So, I think the actual cause must be one of the following:
- A problem with my iMac's bluetooth hardware
- A bug on the Magic Mouse's firmware software
- An on OSX bug