I just bought a new AirPort Extreme and set it up as my main wireless network. I also have a 1st gen. Time Capsule and a 1st gen. AirPort Extreme in addition that I want to connect like this:

Main AE --> TC 1st gen --> AE 1st gen

The first two I have managed to set up flawlessly, and that works great. Now I'm trying to connect the last AE to the TC, but when I set it up in AirPort Utility 5.6, it displays the text "Configuring your existing wireless network to allow it to be joined", and doesn't do anything.

Espresso Geneva is an Express that only connects to the network to play music. The AE does not show here because it hasn't been sent the new configuration yet.

I have no idea why it won't work, but if I try to set it up via Lion-AirPort Utility, it just chooses the main AE, and won't let me choose to connect to the TC.
Is this a known bug, or is there a way to fix it?

I tried to use Lions AirPort Utility again, and found a way to choose which base station to extend, but it only shows the main AE again.

1 Answer 1


AirPort Utility 5.6 isn't really supported anymore, so I found the only true solution to be to use Airport Utility 6.1.

To solve this question, I had to reset every single AirPort Express, Extreme and Time Capsule, but it works a lot better now.

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