From macOS App Exposé, I should be able to click on an app window, then automatically switch to the desktop with that app window. But on my macOS Sonoma 14.1.1 machine, when I can launch App Exposé and see all the windows; but when I click on a different window, nothing happens—I stay on my current desktop instead of navigating to the app window on a different desktop.

Is there some Mission Control or App Exposé setting that I'm missing? I tried to take a cursory look through the Mission Control menu in the System Settings app (but I didn't find anything obviously wrong—see screenshot), restarting the Dock process with the killall Dock command, and restarting my laptop; but to no avail!

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


I finally found it! I had a workspaces-auto-swoosh setting toggled off. I discovered that setting by looking through the defaults read command like the following shell session illustrates:

$ defaults read
# ...
    "com.apple.dock" =     {
# ...
        "workspaces-auto-swoosh" = 0;
# ...
# ...

Observation: Notice that workspaces-auto-swoosh setting is toggled off—unexpected. Guess: The automatically switch to the desktop behavior I was talking about earlier is called auto swoosh and I had inadvertently toggled that behavior off. Note: I couldn't find that setting in the System Settings app when I search for "swoosh".

To resolve, delete that setting and restart Dock process with the following commands:

defaults delete com.apple.dock workspaces-auto-swoosh
killall Dock

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