I like using Sublime Text as my text editor. The only issue is that whenever I have an unrecognized file type (which happens quite frequently), double clicking on it tries to open it in TextEdit, Xcode, or some other irrelevant application.

I know it's possible to change the default, text editor for a particular file type, but it typically involves the following steps:

  1. Select the file
  2. Press Command + I
  3. Click Open With > Other
  4. Chang "Enable" to "All Applications" (necessary to select ST)
  5. Find "Sublime Text" in the list and select "Add"
  6. Click on "Change All" to change this for all applications
  7. Confirm the dialog box that will pop up

As can be seen, this is quite an arduous process which I would like to avoid doing every time I want to open a new file type in Sublime Text. Is there any easier way to go about doing this?

Sublime Text unfortunately does not have an option to assign it to common file types.



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