I've recently come across an issue with my external HDD (2TB, LaCiE) drive which is formatted with APFS. I have three volumes under a 2TB container which are all APFS (Case-sensitive, Encrypted).

  1. When plugging in the drive, I see the following error for each of my volumes: The disk "Old Backups" can't be unlocked. A problem was detected with the disk that prevents it from being unlocked.

  2. When trying to recover with Disk Drill, which has worked in the past, I only see "Updating disk list..." Updating disk list...

  3. When usig libfsapfs's fsapfsinfo, tool, I see the following error:

fsapfsinfo 20210424

Apple File System (APFS) information:

File system hierarchy:
Unable to print file system hierarchy.
libfsapfs_internal_volume_unlock: invalid volume - missing key bag.
libfsapfs_volume_unlock: unable to unlock volume.
info_handle_get_volume_by_index: unable to unlock volume.
info_handle_file_system_hierarchy_fprint: unable to retrieve volume: 0.

Any and all help would be appreciated! Thanks :~)

  • 1) Please add the output of diskutil list and diskutil apfs list to the question (at least anything related to the drive, partitions, containers and volumes. 2) Have you used Disk Utility's First Aid? 3) Have you tried 'diskutil apfs unlockVolume? 4) Have your searched the web with your error message?
    – Gilby
    Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 2:08

1 Answer 1


I had the same problem too but I still remember disk's password. I used "UFS Explorer" to unlocked it and copied the data to my new disk.

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