When unchecking "Show in Menu Bar" in System Preferences > Dock & Menu Bar > Spotlight, it removes the NSStatusItem Visible Item-0
from com.apple.Spotlight.plist
. When enabling the setting, it sets this key to true
It can be easily verified by using defaults read com.apple.Spotlight
before and after unchecking the setting.
I'm trying to automate this in a macOS install script. The problem is that deleting the key with defaults delete
or setting the value to false
doesn't work. After doing killall Spotlight; killall SystemUIServer
or rebooting the system, it sets back the value to 1
My guess was that some other files are modified when changing the setting with the GUI, so I tried this:
defaults read > before
# Manually change the setting in system preferences
defaults read > after
diff before > after
which outputs:
< "_DKThrottledActivityLast_DKKnowledgeStorageLogging_DKKnowledgeStorageDidInsertEventsNotification:/app/usageActivityDate" = "2021-03-27 06:57:35 +0000";
> "_DKThrottledActivityLast_DKKnowledgeStorageLogging_DKKnowledgeStorageDidInsertEventsNotification:/app/usageActivityDate" = "2021-03-27 06:57:49 +0000";
< "_DKThrottledActivityLast_DKKnowledgeStorageLogging_DKKnowledgeStorageDidInsertLocalEventsNotification:/app/usageActivityDate" = "2021-03-27 06:57:35 +0000";
> "_DKThrottledActivityLast_DKKnowledgeStorageLogging_DKKnowledgeStorageDidInsertLocalEventsNotification:/app/usageActivityDate" = "2021-03-27 06:57:49 +0000";
< "NSStatusItem Visible Item-0" = 1;
< SPMessageTracingWindowHideCount = 149;
< SPMessageTracingWindowShowCount = 149;
> SPMessageTracingWindowHideCount = 150;
> SPMessageTracingWindowShowCount = 150;
< "engagementCount-com.apple.Spotlight" = 87;
> "engagementCount-com.apple.Spotlight" = 88;
< Age = "42540.278567375";
> Age = "42551.38625458333";
> 352,
Maybe a file outside of the scope of defaults
is modified?