I have a problem with restoring iCloud WhatsApp backup on my new iPhone.

Some time ago I created WhatsApp iCloud backup and then sold the phone. I've bought a new iPhone, inserted the same sim-card, signed in the same Apple ID account.

When I open WhatsApp app it tries to find my iCloud backup and always says that no backup found.

I have read that question: Accessing WhatsApp iCloud backup? and have found all .icloud files on my Macbook. But I don't understand how I can import them on new phone.

Moreover, I've read that: Whatsapp-Restore from iCloud is not showing my Backup. I've already checked that my new iPhone has the same name as the previous one.

PS: The first thing I did is writing to WhatsApp support. They have answers like "we cant help you with data restoring".

  • I’m voting to close this question because it is basically a customer support question which should be addressed to WhatsApp directly.
    – nohillside
    Commented Dec 23, 2020 at 7:22
  • The first thing I did is writing to whatsapp support. They have answers like "we cant help you with data restoring"
    – Viktor
    Commented Dec 23, 2020 at 7:42

1 Answer 1


I'm was in the same boat as you Viktor.

You're only missing some steps to be able to get your actual backup files. The *.icloud files are all 2kb in size and don't contain any data but are rather links to the actual files.

On your macOS go into Settings > Apple ID and make sure to disable the Optimise Mac Storage option as that would give you access to the real files.

After that wait a bit as your computer would need to apply the changes and updates, restart if possible, then when you access the ~/Library/Mobile Documents directory you can see that the files are now mostly *.tar extensions which can be copied now.

Hopefully that sorts you out!

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