I have this file structure. I wanted to use the image filename appended with the parent folder names.


├── ak
│   ├── adak
│   │   ├── Hello\ World456
│   │   ├── cup-printing
│   │   │   └── Tshirt-printing.jpg
│   │   ├── hello-\ world789
│   │   ├── hello-world79
│   │   └── tshirt\ printing
│   │       └── Tshirt-printing.jpg
│   ├── akhiok
│   │   ├── Hello\ World456
│   │   ├── cup-printing
│   │   │   └── Tshirt-printing.jpg
│   │   ├── hello-\ world789
│   │   ├── hello-world79
│   │   └── tshirt\ printing
│   │       └── Tshirt-printing.jpg

Here parent folder names are ak, adak.

Ak= state name Adak = city name.

After it should be like this..


├── ak
│   ├── adak
│   │   ├── Hello\ World456
│   │   ├── cup-printing
│   │   │   └── Tshirt-printing-adak-ak.jpg
│   │   ├── hello-\ world789
│   │   ├── hello-world79
│   │   └── tshirt\ printing
│   │       └── Tshirt-printing-adak-ak.jpg
│   ├── akhiok
│   │   ├── Hello\ World456
│   │   ├── cup-printing
│   │   │   └── Tshirt-printing-akhiok-ak.jpg
│   │   ├── hello-\ world789
│   │   ├── hello-world79
│   │   └── tshirt\ printing
│   │       └── Tshirt-printing-akhiok-ak.jpg

Bash command can help over here?

In the Automator,

I'm stuck at the finding the all the images of the file name having "tshirt" So I need to find the change the file name to their parent folder.

file name rename with parent folder names

1 Answer 1


Given your example, and assuming the example holds true, then the example bash code, shown further below, should work.

The following Automator workflow uses the Find Finder Items action, as you have it, but then uses a Run Shell Script action directly after, as there doesn't seem to be a need for a Set Value of Variable action as shown in your OP.

On the Run Shell Script action, set Pass input: to as arguments, as shown in the image below.

Note that the echo command is just there to show what mv command would have been executed to rename the files had it not been there. So, after testing and seeing that the output if formed as wanted, remove the echo command and run the workflow again to actually rename the image files.

Replace the default code in the Run Shell Script action with the following example bash code:

for f in "$@"; do

    dn="$(dirname "$f")"
    fn="$(basename "$f")"
    city="$(awk -F'/' '{print $(NF-2)}'<<<"$f")"
    state="$(awk -F'/' '{print $(NF-3)}'<<<"$f")"

    echo mv "$f" "${dn}/${fn%.*}-${city}-${state}.${fn##*.}"


Note: The example bash code is just that and does not contain any error handling as may be appropriate. The onus is upon the user to add any error handling as may be appropriate, needed or wanted.

Automator Workflow

  • Thanks for the code, mate. While running the code, I get this error. couldn't posix_spawn error 7 Here is the screenshot of the error cl.ly/8ddb1e787f08 Commented Sep 26, 2019 at 3:51
  • @Suresh Kumar G, The linked image in your comment is the same image that is in your OP, shows no error, and is meaningless to diagnose any issue. As you can plainly see in the image my Automator workflow, using the same settings as your Find Finder Items action it returns the same filenames as in your tree view and can rename the files as you stated. Without seeing an image of your actual workflow showing as mine shows, I cannot even begin to troubleshoot what's not working for you while it works for me. Commented Sep 26, 2019 at 4:36
  • Very fair point mate. I did show my workflow in the above comment. If you need any more information from my side let me know. Commented Sep 26, 2019 at 5:53

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