I used to use spaces for quick switching between applications (I had a space with a browser, another with a terminal and yet another with an editor). For spaces I could have a keyboard shortcut. This way, I had a quick way to switch using a keyboard shortcut.

Lion introduced maximized applications. I find this a great feature, however, after maximization the application it is on its own space for which I do not know how to define a keyboard shortcut.

Could you give me a hint how to quickly, using a keyboard shortcut, access a maximized application on Lion?

Thank you!

  • I assume you don't have a multitouch trackpad, right? Isn't the application switcher Cmd+Tab fast enough? Otherwise you can create a shortcut to go left/right in Mission Control like in Snow Leopard.
    – gentmatt
    Commented Jan 5, 2012 at 8:19
  • Cmd+Tab needs hitting the Tab more times. There applications like the browser, terminal and editor. I'd like to get to these in one step. I do not have a multitouch trackpad.
    – fifigyuri
    Commented Jan 5, 2012 at 8:52
  • 1
    – gentmatt
    Commented Jan 5, 2012 at 9:05

2 Answers 2


Use Ctrl + the arrow keys:

Ctrl + Right: switch to next space / maximized app to the right.

Ctrl + Left: switch to next space / maximized app to the left

Ctrl + Up: Exposé / Mission control showing everything

Ctrl + Down: Exposé for just the windows of the current app


System Preferences: Keyboard: Keyboard Shortcuts:

Select "Mission Control" on the left.

Scroll down to the "Mission Control" section on the right.

Turn on the check boxes next to the "Switch to Desktop x" entries.

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