Errors when getting phones
In Script Editor, if I run:
tell application "Contacts" to get the vcard of person 301
the result is:
"BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//Mac OS X 10.13.6//EN
N:Bar;Foo;;; FN:Foo Bar
EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=WORK;type=pref:[email protected]
TEL;type=HOME;type=VOICE;type=pref:555 555 1212
Note that this person has an email address and a phone number. If I run:
tell application "Contacts" to get the value of emails of person 301
the result is:
However if I run:
tell application "Contacts" to get the value of phones of person 301
I get
error "Contacts got an error: Can’t get value of every phone of person 301." number -1728 from value of every phone of person 301
and if I run
tell application "Contacts" to get the phones of person 301
error "Contacts got an error: AppleEvent handler failed." number -10000
What happens if the person doesn't have a phone number?
Edit: Based on one of the proposed answers to this post, I tried
tell application "Contacts"
set thePhoneNumber to value of phones of people
end tell
which gave me something like
{missing value, {}, missing value, missing value, ...}
with a lot more "missing values" and "{}s" because I have about 2000 entries in the database.
Investigating this, I found that the "missing value" appears for people who have phone numbers, and the "{}" appears for people who do not have phone numbers. If I run the same command with "emails", I get a list of email addresses for each person who has emails, and an empty list "{}" for people who don't.
This is on Mac OS 10.13.6, Contacts 11.0 (1808.8).
Have I discovered a bug or is there something wrong with my script?