I've got a bit of AppleScript that is frustrating the heck out of me. I need to get a list of all Safari tabs, then filter them down. I was expecting this to be very simple. It's not.
tell application "Safari"
set tabSet to {}
repeat with w in (get every window)
repeat with t in (get every tab of w)
set the end of tabSet to t
end repeat
end repeat
--set tabSet to every tab of every window -- a one-liner here would be convenient
set firstTab to first item of tabSet -- works, see edit
set targetTab to first item of tabSet whose name is "Untitled" -- this fails
end tell
First of all, every tab of every window
returns a nested list of lists of tabs (grouped by window) instead of just a flat list. I just ended up going with repeats. (If there is a way to make this a one-liner, it would be nice). But so far, so good.
The result I was getting from first item of tabSet
was throwing me off because it looked like it was returning a form of the entire list:
item 1 of {tab 1 of window id 15557 of application "Safari", tab 2 of window id 15557 of application "Safari", tab 3 of window id 15557 of application "Safari", tab 4 of...
The actual problem occurs on the filter line where I try to get the first item of tabSet whose name is "Untitled"
. (Replace with a valid name of course). Then, I get this error:
error "Safari got an error: Can’t get tab 1 of window id 15561 whose name = \"Untitled\". Invalid index." number -1719
I added the following block:
repeat with t in tabSet
set n to (get name of t)
set targetTab to (first item in tabSet whose name is n)
set targetWindow to (first window whose tabs contains targetTab)
log (get id of targetWindow) & (get name of t)
on error
log "ERROR: " & n
end try
end repeat
This revealed that, once again, the problem was not as it seemed, but was actually something completely different:
Only tabs in the frontmost window can be filtered. It appears that the statement first item of tabSet whose name is "Untitled"
fails if the tab "Untitled" is in any window other than the frontmost window.
Any ideas?