I work with three date format,
1.04/18/2015 (PS my system date is not the same but DD/MM/YY)
2.June 2nd, 2012 but converted to the 1st format by code bellow
3.Saturday 24 March 2018 (current date)
I just created the script bellow to convert both date in the same format:
set creationDate to "March 23rd, 2018"
set CreationDay to ""
set Creationmonth to ""
set Creationyear to ""
if creationDate contains "1st" then
set CreationDay to "1"
end if
if creationDate contains "2nd" then
set CreationDay to "2"
end if
if creationDate contains "3rd" then
set CreationDay to "3"
end if
if creationDate contains "4th" then
set CreationDay to "4"
end if
if creationDate contains "5th" then
set CreationDay to "5"
end if
if creationDate contains "6th" then
set CreationDay to "6"
end if
if creationDate contains "7th" then
set CreationDay to "7"
end if
if creationDate contains "8th" then
set CreationDay to "8"
end if
if creationDate contains "9th" then
set CreationDay to "9"
end if
if creationDate contains "10th" then
set CreationDay to "10"
end if
if creationDate contains "11th" then
set CreationDay to "11"
end if
if creationDate contains "12th" then
set CreationDay to "12"
end if
if creationDate contains "13th" then
set CreationDay to "13"
end if
if creationDate contains "14th" then
set CreationDay to "14"
end if
if creationDate contains "15th" then
set CreationDay to "15"
end if
if creationDate contains "16th" then
set CreationDay to "16"
end if
if creationDate contains "17th" then
set CreationDay to "17"
end if
if creationDate contains "18th" then
set CreationDay to "18"
end if
if creationDate contains "19th" then
set CreationDay to "19"
end if
if creationDate contains "20th" then
set CreationDay to "20"
end if
if creationDate contains "21st" then
set CreationDay to "21"
end if
if creationDate contains "22nd" then
set CreationDay to "22"
end if
if creationDate contains "23rd" then
set CreationDay to "23"
end if
if creationDate contains "24th" then
set CreationDay to "24"
end if
if creationDate contains "25th" then
set CreationDay to "25"
end if
if creationDate contains "26th" then
set CreationDay to "26"
end if
if creationDate contains "27th" then
set CreationDay to "27"
end if
if creationDate contains "28th" then
set CreationDay to "28"
end if
if creationDate contains "29th" then
set CreationDay to "29"
end if
if creationDate contains "30th" then
set CreationDay to "30"
end if
if creationDate contains "31st" then
set CreationDay to "31"
end if
if creationDate contains "2018" then
set Creationyear to "2018"
end if
if creationDate contains "2017" then
set Creationyear to "2017"
end if
if creationDate contains "2016" then
set Creationyear to "2016"
end if
if creationDate contains "2015" then
set Creationyear to "2015"
end if
if creationDate contains "2014" then
set Creationyear to "2014"
end if
if creationDate contains "2013" then
set Creationyear to "2013"
end if
if creationDate contains "2012" then
set Creationyear to "2012"
end if
if creationDate contains "2011" then
set Creationyear to "2011"
end if
if creationDate contains "2010" then
set Creationyear to "2010"
end if
if creationDate contains "2009" then
set Creationyear to "2009"
end if
if creationDate contains "2008" then
set Creationyear to "2008"
end if
if creationDate contains "2007" then
set Creationyear to "2007"
end if
if creationDate contains "2006" then
set Creationyear to "2006"
end if
if creationDate contains "2005" then
set Creationyear to "2005"
end if
if creationDate contains "2004" then
set Creationyear to "2004"
end if
if creationDate contains "2003" then
set Creationyear to "2003"
end if
if creationDate contains "January" then
set Creationmonth to "01"
end if
if creationDate contains "February" then
set Creationmonth to "02"
end if
if creationDate contains "March" then
set Creationmonth to "03"
end if
if creationDate contains "April" then
set Creationmonth to "04"
end if
if creationDate contains "May" then
set Creationmonth to "05"
end if
if creationDate contains "June" then
set Creationmonth to "06"
end if
if creationDate contains "July" then
set Creationmonth to "07"
end if
if creationDate contains "Agust" then
set Creationmonth to "08"
end if
if creationDate contains "September" then
set Creationmonth to "09"
end if
if creationDate contains "October" then
set Creationmonth to "10"
end if
if creationDate contains "November" then
set Creationmonth to "11"
end if
if creationDate contains "December" then
set Creationmonth to "12"
end if
set CreationfinalDate to CreationDay & "/" & Creationmonth & "/" & Creationyear
return CreationfinalDate
Question 1: How can I convert date number 3 (which is the current date) to the same format
(I know how to return as a string but not otherwise)
set myDate to date string of (current date)
Question 2: can I create a script to tell me if the difference between date 2 and date 3 are within 60 days or outside 60 days?