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How to set/force a timezone?

MacOS (14.6.1) believes it's in Japan and stubbornly refuses to change that. Here's a screenshot: Problem is, that the Time zone setting is disabled, hence it can't be changed. Question now is, how ...
SePröbläm's user avatar
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Clock time stuck from last night

I have noticed that there can be a few seconds after reopening the lid of my Macbook that the time just started again from the moment that the laptop was put to sleep - e.g. 1:30AM. It is not stuck : ...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
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Mac OS shows wrong date and time

My Mac mini M1 mit Sonoma 14.3.1 shows wrong date and time: 10th of April [correct date: 13th of April] 22:52 [correct time: 00:24] System set do auto time settings with correct time Zone. Restart ...
SteAp's user avatar
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Upper/lower AM/PM in Menubar clock -- different between Macs

My Mac is configured for the Australia region. I have one Mac running Sonoma 14.4 that displays my time in the menubar as: Mon 25 Mar 4:30 PM I have another Mac running Sonoma 14.3.1 that shows it as:...
John Rotenstein's user avatar
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Convert date to Unicode variant and emoji for iPhone

To cope with truncated WhatsApp when replying to chats, Late replying to chats that mention like yesterday or tomorrow. misleading when not replying on same day. I rather use date and time but run ...
SIT123's user avatar
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in macOS terminal, can I display the 'added date', the creation date, and last access timestamp of a file?

In the macOS terminal, when I do ls -l SomeFile.txt it shows most of the file's properties including its last modification timestamp. However in Finder, besides the 'Date Modified' there is also the '...
RocketNuts's user avatar
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10 votes
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How can I "bump" my system clock by fractions of a second on macOS for ham radio time keeping needs?

I'm running Ventura 13.4 on an M2 MacBook Air. I run the FT8 and FT4 digital modes for ham radio. FT8/4 requires fairly accurate time synchronization. It seems that macOS gets out of sync when waking ...
Paul Cezanne's user avatar
1 vote
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Mac's time keeps changing back 15 days

I have a 13-inch, 2019 MacBook Air. The time keeps changing back 15 days every time the computer sleeps, when I log back in, or when a restart happens. I have set the clock to sync automatically but ...
ranjit abraham's user avatar
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How to update time with sntp using ntp.conf file

After the recent daylight saving time change, my macOS (Sonoma v14.1.1) clock no longer shows correct date and time. When I enable "Set date and time automatically" it reverts to January 22, ...
mabalenk's user avatar
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What does the 'ps -o cputime' show in the TIME column?

The macOS ps gives the TIME like this: UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD 0 50769 80598 0 9:09pm ttys000 0:00.00 egrep 96222|PID 666 96222 95653 0 10:09pm ttys006 0:00....
Peter Brooks's user avatar
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Automatically start a timer after logging health record

I take a medication that needs 30mn to be assimilated by my body before eating anything in the morning. I log it every morning in the Health app to not forget it as it is quite important. I was ...
flks's user avatar
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How to tell Applescript to call a Fondation's class's init?

A subquestion could be: how to find the AppleScript name of a class's instances? Context: I use the following to access NSTimeZone variables and apply methods. use scripting additions -- essential to ...
Recycleur's user avatar
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How to convert any duration to days in Numbers?

I have something like this Start time (A) End time (B) Time passed (C) Units done (D) How many units per 24h (E) 08:25 15:40 7h15m 43 ??? I can manually calculate that 7h15m = 26 100 seconds. 26 ...
d-b's user avatar
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'o' in macOS date format for menu bar clock

I have a problem with clock in menu bar date format. I'd like to show my clock with weekday, and 24 hour. For some reason, I see Niedz. 13.08 o 19:19 (pl_PL locale). While trying to figure out what ...
Eir Nym's user avatar
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22 votes
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No option to change time zone [duplicate]

So the clocks switched, but my country doesn't use DST. So I'm stuck with the wrong time here, and I can't change it without manually setting the time. I don't want to manually set the time one hour ...
naffetS's user avatar
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How to get version of `/usr/bin/time` command on macOS?

I'm struggling to find out what version of /usr/bin/time I have, on my M1 macOS 13.2. /usr/bin/time seems to have no help beyond a usage string (that has options for help nor version). This is what I ...
Cornelius Roemer's user avatar
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Timestamps in Numbers are only partially recognized as time?

I have a column with timestamps minutes, seconds and milliseconds. Originally they looked like this 6:24,120 (it is output from the time command) Pasting it into Numbers causes weird results. I can ...
d-b's user avatar
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Apple Watch assumes incorrect birthday for its owner

This morning, December 25th, I noticed my Apple Watch wished me a Happy Birthday: That is strange, since it's actually tomorrow, 26th, as indicated on my iPhone 11 (Settings app → Apple ID → Name, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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MacOS Ventura Date Format Broken

In System Settings, General, Language & Region, Date format, I choose year/month/day. But Finder still shows dates in confusing month/day/year. This was not a problem prior to updating macOS to ...
5260452's user avatar
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"Announce the time" not working in macOS monterey 12.5.1

"Announce the time" not working in macOS monterey 12.5.1 - I have ADHD and relied on this feature alot to stop me "losing time". I can see the settings and options and they are ...
jamiet's user avatar
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Why can't I change the date or time on my MacBook Air?

I'm trying to change the date on my MacBook Air (2020, running MacOS 12.4). When I try to do so I'm met with this screen: "Set date and time automatically" is checked and cannot be ...
Alex Johnson's user avatar
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How to get the same date time in two formats in command line?

I have the following code DATETIME=$(date '+%F %T') GIT_TAG_DATETIME=$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S' --date="$DATETIME") to assign the same datetime in two vars in different formats. It works on ...
Dims's user avatar
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How often does macOS synch my computer clock?

Just curious on how often this occurs and what is the process? Also, is there a time server that I can connect to using an API of sorts?
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Physically hide time at top of iPhone in status bar

I want to be able to hide the time on iPhone at bedtime. It seems there are no settings that will remove the time or hide the status bar. Is there a case out there that can slot over the top left of ...
luciano's user avatar
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Date is wrong by months when set to automatic on 12.1 Monterey (MacBook Pro 14)

Upon booting up by machine (2021 MacBook Pro 14 on 12.1) after fully running out of battery for the first time (I've owned the machine for a couple months) I noticed the date and time were completely ...
A. McHugh's user avatar
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Can Finder / Spotlight search for files by a specific time of day?

I have thousands of JPG images from a GoPro timelapse recorded in 5 minute increments throughout the day. I need to grab just the 12PM images, but i have to scroll down so far to get to the next file. ...
xnofriendsx's user avatar
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AutoSync Time periodically

My Catalina weirdly have drifting time, sometimes 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 19 minutes (in 1-2 hours), today it's drifting 40 minutes (in 4 hours). Is there any brew package/daemon that automatically ...
Kokizzu's user avatar
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Date/Time on iPad photos

I took a photo in Fayetteville Arkansas.  The EXIF info includes the following: Date/Time Original: 2017:01:06 06:11:41 Lens Model: iPad Air 2 back camera 3.3mm f/2.4 GPS Time Stamp: 12:11:...
WGroleau's user avatar
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Non-sudo alternatives to get the current time zone?

sudo systemsetup -gettimezone will return the current system set time zone to the command line but it requires sudo. date "+%z" will return the offset (e.g. +0900) and date "+%Z" ...
ian's user avatar
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Can you change the default clock format?

I want to change this to a more standard format dd/mm/yyyy. I have looked in the date/time settings and changed the formats But that didn't seem to change a thing. Is that possible in MacOS Big Sur?
nzmattman's user avatar
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iTerm2 History Timestamp to Human Readable

I can see all commands entered into iTerm doing the following: $ sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/iTerm2/ShellHistory.sqlite sqlite> select * from ZCOMMANDHISTORYCOMMANDUSE; The output ...
dr_pardee's user avatar
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Time Machine fails shortly after starting to prepare backup

I have a problem with the Time Machine backup: 1-2 mins after starting the process (Backup is being prepared), it stops. Console logs: Backup failed (304: ...
Marek's user avatar
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System time growing an accumulating latency

High Sierra 10.13.6. I have my system clock displaying the hours, minutes and seconds in the upper-right corner of the screen. I have had this laptop for years and the time has always been 100% ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
36 votes
4 answers

How can I show seconds on macOS BigSur's menu bar clock?

I work in an environment where seconds are critical. Is there a way to display the time with seconds in the menu bar on macOS Big Sur? More specifically, I am referring to the Date and Time at top ...
P i's user avatar
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Time machine cannot see a external drive

I just replaced my time machine drive with a larger unit. Now it cannot see the external thunderbolt drive I use for all my photo editing that I need to backup. On time machine options it is missing. ...
Andrew Bamforth's user avatar
5 votes
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MacOS timed won't keep accurate time

My MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports, 16GB) running Big Sur 11.1 won't keep accurate time. It's regularly up to a minute off. I verified this using: Comparison ...
dty's user avatar
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macOS sets wrong time/date multiple times a day

I've been running High Sierra since october 2017 and kept it until a few weeks ago. Since then, my computer was reverting back several times a day its date/time to 5th of December 2013 9pm_something (...
Nitram78's user avatar
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time command output

I have a bash script file called readspeed. I am trying to find how long it takes time to execute a bash script file. When I run time readspeed, the following is the output. $ time readspeed ...
shin's user avatar
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incorrect time on macOS 11.2

Currently, I have updated my system to macos big sur and am facing a problem with incorrect time. Although i have encountered this problem early in Mojave time, i tried to use sudo sntp command to ...
Zecheng Zhao's user avatar
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Add Siri commands to shortcut in iOS 14

I can ask Siri: "What's the time"? Can I put this in a shortcut, and run it every hour between 8am to 7pm, so that my iPhone will announce time every hour?
user12189187's user avatar
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Date is wrong by months when set to automatically

Since a few days my MacBook Air 2020 shows the wrong date when set to "Set date and time automatically". This is regardless of the chosen NTP server. When time set manually, querying a NTP ...
Volsk's user avatar
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How to manually set time zone on iPhone while still automatically sync time?

This is possible on basically all mainstream computer operating systems, like macOS, Windows 10, Ubuntu. For example in macOS, I have these two settings (Set date and time automatically and Set time ...
bfrguci's user avatar
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Voice controlled timer on macOS

Siri can't set a timer on macOS, is there an app that can set up a timer using voice on macOS?
sumek's user avatar
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The time of my mac is messed up

This is a strange phenomenon. My time and date on the upper right corner is correctly set, but for some reason the time of every file is set incorrectly. For example, I just downloaded a youtube video ...
jxhyc's user avatar
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Mac chooses wrong date/time which is 7 hours ahead of the timezone chosen

I have chosen to set date/time automatically based on location: The time now is 2:28 PM but Mac shows it as 9:29 PM: On Terminal app, date command shows the correct time: date Sun May 31 14:29:26 ...
codeforester's user avatar
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How to delete Time Machine Backups that were moved into Recycle Bin Trash?

I use Time Machine on an external drive to back up my files. The external drive was getting close to be being full so I moved all the backed up file folders to my Recycle Bin (Trash) on my Desktop to ...
nycmac's user avatar
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Time on macbook (Mojave) is incorrect with auto-time on (Is apple time server wrong?)

I just realized that the time on my Macbook Pro running Mojave is incorrect. For example, current time shown is 22:47. But the correct time should be 22:39. I tried all listed time servers (three ...
sgon00's user avatar
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24" Intel iMac (2006) date and time keeps resetting on boot, even after new battery and NVRAM reset

Since a week my iMac, running Snow Leopard, behaves strangely in two ways: First, I always unplug the iMac when I don't use it. Now, when I plug it in, it immediately starts, without me pressing the ...
Sander de Jong's user avatar
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"Format" of time announcements

Running latest update of Catalina, but this issue has existed for at least two years. If I turn on "announce time," what I hear is "it is now (integer) hours." Is there a way to make it say "it is ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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iPhone time did not update with daylight savings time (3/8/2020)

I spent a long time with Apple Support today and I still don't have a resolution to this issue. They left it with the suggestion that I reset my network settings. I could do that, but then I would ...
hepcat72's user avatar
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