Here is a simple handler that, pads based on your question.
Example AppleScript code:
set theNumber to 1
set theNumber to padNumberAsString(theNumber)
on padNumberAsString(n)
set theLength to (get length of (n as string))
if theLength is equal to 1 then
set n to "000" & n
else if theLength is equal to 2 then
set n to "00" & n
else if theLength is equal to 3 then
set n to "0" & n
end if
return n
end padNumberAsString
Result: "0001"
As a demo, this creates and displays a list of the padded numbers between 0 and 1000 to show the padding is taking place.
set thePaddedList to {}
repeat with i from 0 to 1000
set end of thePaddedList to padNumberAsString(i)
end repeat
choose from list thePaddedList
on padNumberAsString(n)
set theLength to (get length of (n as string))
if theLength is equal to 1 then
set n to "000" & n
else if theLength is equal to 2 then
set n to "00" & n
else if theLength is equal to 3 then
set n to "0" & n
end if
return n
end padNumberAsString