This works for me running OS Sierra.. This AppleScript code will open your active Finder window or open a new Finder window if none are open, then it will automatically click the "Action" button in your toolbar.
Notice where it says "group 2" in both lines of code. This is the location of the "Action" button in my "Finder" window. If you do not have your "Action" button located in the exact same location in your finder window, this script will produce an error and won't work.
activate application "Finder"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Finder"
delay 0.5 -- may need to adjust this number
if window 1 of application "Finder" exists then
click menu button 1 of group 2 of toolbar 1 of window 1
tell application "Finder"
make new Finder window
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Finder"
delay 1 -- may need to adjust this number
click menu button 1 of group 2 of toolbar 1 of window 1 (* notice where it says "group 2" in both lines of code. This is the location of the "Action" button in my "Finder" window. If you do not have your "Action" button located in the exact same location in your finder window, this script will produce an error and won't work. *)
end tell
end tell
end tell
end if
end tell
end tell
Save this script in script editor app as an application. For purposes of this post, I saved the file in script editor as
Open Automator app and create a new service
Be sure to select the files and folders option. Add a "Launch Application" action to your workflow and select the new script editor application you just saved and named:
At this point save your Automator workflow file and name it something like "Finder_Action_Button_Shortcut.workflow" to your /Users/YOUR_COMPUTER_NAME/Library/Services/ folder. (if Automator during the save process does not ask you if you want to install the new service)
Now this service will be available in your "Services" in Finder for any selected file or folder
Be sure to add and
to the list of applications allowed to control your computer in the System Preferences/ Security & Privacy/ Accessability/ Privacy tab
Next, go to System Preferences/ Keyboard/ Shortcuts/ Services and you should see your new service listed there. Go ahead and assign your new service a keyboard shortcut and BINGO! You're done