I have a .pages file I've worked on as recently as May. When I tried to open it the Console.app reported:

9/2/16 7:21:44.392 PM CoreServicesUIAgent[337]: Error -60005 creating authorization

The file didn't open. I created a new document and save it, and was able to reopen it; though Pages DID throw the same error (but the file window opened).

I deleted and re-downloaded Pages from the App store. Preview.app confirms the app has readable content.

I have done first aid on the disk, and am on El Cap 10.11.6.

Pages is up to date, 5.6.2.

Any suggestions?


1 Answer 1


I called Mac support and they had me delete some files from my computers' cache and then reboot in safe mode and open the document. I then deleted my trash can and rebooted in regular mode and the problem was fixed.

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