This is on my 2013 15" Retina MBP with the 256 SSD.
Before you ask, yes, I'm including the ~/Library
My home directory is using ~175GB of space, which is pretty significant. I'm in a spring cleaning mood - however, I cannot seem to get even close to this value when hunting down the largest offenders.
Craigs-MBP:~ Craig$ du -shc *
27M Applications
88K Desktop
4.2G Documents
198M Google Drive
25G Library
8.0K Movies
4.3G Music
11G Pictures
8.0K Public
408M apps
3.2G projects
49G total <-- Note the convenient total
Just to be safe, I also check the .*
Craigs-MBP:~ Craig$ du -shc .??* | grep total
3.8G total
So, roughly ~55GB.
I have booted into the recovery partition, and used Disk Utility to run First Aid on both the volume and partition, but it didn't pick up any invalid volume count/block sizes. Everything looked good.
I booted up Disk Inventory X hoping that it might find something I didn't, but it turns up the same values:
If I'm missing 5-10GB here or there, no big deal. But nearly 120GB of missing space? That's completely unreasonable. (And half my hard drive.)
Where do I go next?