I exported a set of photos from my wife's computer to mine over a WiFi share. I opened the directory in Finder and it said that there were 0 files. I know I've seen the Finder lag before on recognizing files in the folder, but this wasn't one of those cases.
I went into the terminal and I could see all the files were there and these were not "UNIX hidden" filenames (i.e. prefixed with a period). However, I did notice that they had extended attributes for com.apple.FinderInfo and com.apple.quarantine. I removed both of these attributes figuring that might be it and now the files were simply -rw-------
permissioned. I even chmod'd them to allow group/other permissions, however, they STILL didn't appear in the Finder. If I attempted to use the command open IMG_0123.JPG
from the terminal (both before and after every action I tried), they would happily appear in the Preview application. I was finally able to see them after I copied them to a FAT32 partition and then copied them back.
FWIW, the files were copied between Mavericks machines.
So my question is why would these files not appear in the Finder?
setfile -a v *.jpg