Until about a week ago, Apple offered a signed version of iOS 8.2. Now the file is not signed anymore. Is there any place where I can still download the signed version of the file? Does anyone still have a copy?
Background: I'm writing an iOS app that I'd like to test on my iPhone, but my version of Xcode can't handle iOS 8.3. As far as I can tell, there are only two ways of making Xcode compatible with my phone: either upgrade OS X to Yosemite or downgrade iOS to 8.2. I'd rather downgrade the phone, I only use it for testing anyway.
Links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xcode#Version_comparison_table https://ipsw.me/iPhone4,1
(Or did I misunderstand the signing process? Maybe the file hasn't changed, and the signing somehow happens during installation?)
UPDATE: Yes, I did misunderstand the signing process - during installation, an Apple server has to approve the file for the phone. :-(
But I found another way to make Xcode on Mavericks talk to my iOS 8.3 phone: I downloaded Xcode 6.3 from developer.apple.com, installed it to /Applications/Xcode-6.3.app
, and copied /Applications/Xcode-6.3.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform
to /Applications/Xcode-6.2.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform
. Started Xcode 6.2, and could run and debug apps on my phone from Xcode. Also works for Xcode 5.0. More details: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29556950/iphone-running-ios-8-3-shows-up-as-ineligible-in-xcode-6-2-any-solution/29727982#29727982