All of a sudden some running applications were not shown on the + on-screen list. I had to restart my MBP, running Yosemite 10.10.2.

After restarting, + was not working any more (no app shown on screen, not even the Finder) and the Dock showed some non-running apps as running (with the circle). By clicking any 'running' app the circle disappeared.

So I opened Terminal and run killall Dock.

  • The Dock did not restart.
  • + is still not working.
  • Restart does not work.
  • Shut-down does not work.
  • Spotlight works and I can launch apps.

No apps were installed between the normal, working stage and this absurd state.

What's the problem? Any suggestion?

1 Answer 1


Try re-applying the 10.10.2 update, or download and install the 10.10.3 combo update and see if that fixes it. Here's the link to the combo updater:


  • Google 'Yosemite 10.10.3 combo' & use that rather than the regular delta update. On phone so no link to hand.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented May 8, 2015 at 9:10

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