I have a Linux server in my cupboard. My Windows machines can connect to it via its hostname. I have never configured any DNS server; all I did was assign the Linux box a name when I installed Ubuntu on it. It's running a Samba file server.
My Macbook Pro doesn't recognize the host name. How can I make my Macbook find the machine the same way the Windows machines can? The Linux machine's IP is dynamically assigned via DHCP so I don't want to add a permanent entry to a hosts file or similar. (Despite this, the Windows machines can always find it.)
Update: I can't ping the machine, but nmblookup can find it.
grahamb@pickle:~$ ping fry
ping: cannot resolve fry: Unknown host
grahamb@pickle:~$ ping fry.local
ping: cannot resolve fry.local: Unknown host
grahamb@pickle:~$ nmblookup fry
querying fry on fry<00>