I have a MacBook Pro that has the Thunderbolt hardware which means it should be able to support EthernetAVB. I have done a search and found the command to enable it at the website Manual Pagez. The command it outlines is avbdeviced and then I place --list-interfaces after it to have it list the devices that can work with EthernetAVB.

When I run the command in terminal (either as sudo or just plain) even after going up to root I receive a response like this

BradfordBenns-MacBook-Pro:/ bradfordbenn$ avbdeviced --list-interface
-bash: avbdeviced: command not found
BradfordBenns-MacBook-Pro:/ bradfordbenn$ sudo avbdeviced --list-interface
sudo: avbdeviced: command not found

I believe that the system has everything installed as I have a directory called Macintosh HD:Library:Audio:Plug-Ins:HAL:AppleAVBAudio.driver:Contents:MacOS:AppleAVBAudio

Is there a step I am missing or how do I enable the AVB feature?

The more formal information about the system:

System Version: OS X 10.9 (13A603)
Kernel Version: Darwin 13.0.0 Boot Volume: Macintosh HD Boot Mode: Normal

1 Answer 1


AVB no longer needs to be enabled under OS X 10.9. avbdeviced has been removed.

You should be able to view and connect devices via 'Window' -> 'Network Device Browser' in Audio MIDI Setup.

  • Thanks I will verify that once I get back to the system. Commented Dec 12, 2013 at 22:46

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