Today I clicked a link on Facebook and a dialogue window gave me the message:

"The link needs to be opened with an application. Send to:

Upon examining the link, it had the format:


I've never seen a browser link with the "fb://" protocol before and certainly never heard of "AddressBookUrlForwarder".

So I did a finder search and came up with nothing. Then I did a Locate search from terminal and found:


So I open "/System/Library/CoreServices/" in finder and that app doesn't show up. But it's definitely there. Thinking it must have some extended attributes or ACL I do an "ls-lae@" in the coreservices directory and for all intents and purposes it appears to be a normal .app directory with no @ or + or anything special to hide it from the Finder.

What the heck is going on? What is this app? Why is it not showing up in Finder? What is an "fb://" protocol link?

I'm creeped out now.

Also, I'm using 10.8.4.

1 Answer 1


I'm guessing that this application is used to retrieve Facebook and Twitter contact details for display in the address book.

This assumption is based on release notes for a recent update of Mac OS X, as well as the content of that application's executable (as viewed with strings):

strings /System/Library/CoreServices/AddressBookUrlForwarder.app/Contents/MacOS/AddressBookUrlForwarder`).

The output of strings makes me think that the application is a URL handler for these expressions:


Do you have a Facebook account setup in System Preferences -> Mail, Contacts & Calendars?

  • No I don't have a facebook account setup in system preferences. Sounds like a good guess but still doesn't explain why it's not showing up in finder. Commented Oct 12, 2013 at 19:32

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