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Installing Install new apps on iPad 1st (first) generation with max OS (iOS)iOS 5.1.1 — How to get new apps?

As a Mac hardware lover, I bought an old 64 GbGB iPad 1 with iOS 5.1.1 on it. Data wiped.

Nice hardware, but ended up stock with no new application not being iOS6iOS 6, iOS7iOS 7 or more in requirement.

ToughtThought I would have to jaill breakjaillbreak it to have new apps.

Is there any other way?

Installing apps on iPad 1st (first) generation with max OS (iOS) 5.1.1 — How to get new apps?

As a Mac hardware lover, I bought an old 64 Gb iPad 1 with iOS 5.1.1 on it. Data wiped.

Nice hardware, but ended up stock with no new application not being iOS6, iOS7 or more in requirement.

Tought I would have to jaill break it to have new apps.

Is there any other way?

Install new apps on iPad 1st (first) generation with max iOS 5.1.1

As a Mac hardware lover, I bought an old 64 GB iPad 1 with iOS 5.1.1 on it. Data wiped.

Nice hardware, but ended up stock with no new application not being iOS 6, iOS 7 or more in requirement.

Thought I would have to jaillbreak it to have new apps.

Is there any other way?

Installing apps on IpadiPad 1st (first) generation with max OS (IOSiOS) 5.1.1 . How to get new apps?

As a macMac hardware lover, I bought an old 64 Gb ipadiPad 1 with IOSiOS 5.1.1 on it. Data wiped.

Nice hardware, but ended up stock with no new application not beeing IOS6being iOS6, IOS7iOS7 or more in requirement.

Tought I would have to jaill break it to have new apps.

Is there any other way?

Installing apps on Ipad 1st (first) generation with max OS (IOS) 5.1.1 . How to get new apps?

As a mac hardware lover, I bought an old 64 Gb ipad 1 with IOS 5.1.1 on it. Data wiped.

Nice hardware, but ended up stock with no new application not beeing IOS6, IOS7 or more in requirement.

Tought I would have to jaill break it to have new apps.

Is there any other way?

Installing apps on iPad 1st (first) generation with max OS (iOS) 5.1.1 How to get new apps?

As a Mac hardware lover, I bought an old 64 Gb iPad 1 with iOS 5.1.1 on it. Data wiped.

Nice hardware, but ended up stock with no new application not being iOS6, iOS7 or more in requirement.

Tought I would have to jaill break it to have new apps.

Is there any other way?

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Installing apps on Ipad 1st (first) generation with max OS (IOS) 5.1.1 . How to get new apps?

As a mac hardware lover, I bought an old 64 Gb ipad 1 with IOS 5.1.1 on it. Data wiped.

Nice hardware, but ended up stock with no new application not beeing IOS6, IOS7 or more in requirement.

Tought I would have to jaill break it to have new apps.

Is there any other way?