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System preferencesPreferences search no longer highlights possible matches

The little spotlights thatSpotlight would mark matches when searching in system preferences are no longer appearing. I have "System Preferences" enabled in Spotlight prefs. I have searched for a solution to this, no luck. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Screencapture showing the issue

Spotlight preferences

System preferences search no longer highlights possible matches

The little spotlights that would mark matches when searching in system preferences are no longer appearing. I have "System Preferences" enabled in Spotlight prefs. I have searched for a solution to this, no luck. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Screencapture showing the issue

Spotlight preferences

System Preferences search no longer highlights possible matches

Spotlight would mark matches when searching in system preferences are no longer appearing. I have "System Preferences" enabled in Spotlight prefs. I have searched for a solution to this, no luck. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Screencapture showing the issue

Spotlight preferences

Source Link

System preferences search no longer highlights possible matches

The little spotlights that would mark matches when searching in system preferences are no longer appearing. I have "System Preferences" enabled in Spotlight prefs. I have searched for a solution to this, no luck. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Screencapture showing the issue

Spotlight preferences