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VarmintLP's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
MacOS: Specify a folder as Windows Server / System shared
Shame that this is not a thing already. I mean Apple got the AD integration as far as I know. We don't use it here but at a former job I remember that we added the iMacs of a school to their domain and they were all working happily with it. But then again it's easier to educate a teacher than some people that do their work on them. I will not throw it out of the window of course but it will take some time to get them to never ever use those characters for file names. The easiest way to teach this is the programmers way of just denying such entries. Example Online fill-out Forms ;)
MacOS: Specify a folder as Windows Server / System shared
@Tetsujin If only it was always that easy. ^^ I mean tell pure Apple user to do this when they are so used to doing so for years. Some manage it and some don't. But to be honest a feature like "This is a windows SMB-share" would be nice.