DAN MARINESCU – Resume - 100% Remote, Complex Long-Term Projects only.
(850) 760-3310
Passionate, experienced, hands on Software Engineer, (not just developer) and Software Architect with many years of experience on top of solid formal education, advanced degrees from first class, internationally accredited universities. Provide commercial grade, TDD, OOP, generic, SOLID based, clean code (Uncle Bob), scalable, extensible, agile, solutions for various industries, systems programming, embedded, mobile, security, forensics, desktop, micro-services, cloud, embedded, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, distributed computing. Always think in terms of design patterns, UML, time and space algorithmic complexity. Often perform full reverse engineering, re-factoring in order to build correct and scalable (design time, run time and maintain time, long term) re-engineering mission critical systems, generally people life depend on. Separation between physical and logical design for truly large-scale, low-latency, high-frequency, state of the art systems (read John Lakos), in Assembly (CISC and RISC), C, C++, Very Modern C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Rust, Go, Java, Scala, Kotlin, C#, Python, Java/Type Script, Delphi and beyond. Simplicity is often not so simple to achieve. Always sit and think (first, before I cut, so to speak).
Lack of TDD or at least unit testing AND test coverage as strict requirements, lack of CI/CD, over engineering, reinventing the wheel because of ignorance against language and/or framework, coding without any architectural blue prints and/or design documents, rush agile (scrum with non-technical scrum masters), not considering dependency removal as crucial, lack of code reviews, lack of team brother ship, craftmanship, cohesion, togetherness, lack of coding standards, chronical/degenerative lack of structure and incorrect software engineering approach, lack of using the right tool for the job, lack of continuous learning and improvement, lack of joy when doing your job, lack of care about company and its customers, playing rock star, toxic attitudes like the best tool is the one you know - are text book Show Stoppers for me.
Volunteer (at $0.00/hour/w2/c2c) to help with advanced information processing and software development, for the following purposes, against any and all enemies, foreign and domestic: illegal immigration, organized (only) actions against US, EU & Commonwealth law and order and International defense efforts related to c19 present situation, including, but not limited to AI, advanced forensics (OSI 1 to 7), genetics, advanced supervised and non-supervised ML, propagation, predicted models, advanced statistics and beyond.