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jimtut's user avatar
jimtut's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
1 vote

When playing a TV in iTunes via AirPlay to Apple TV, it doesn't play the next episode

1 vote

Mac Mini private network

1 vote

Making music and photos available to Apple TV

1 vote

Is it better to use AirPlay to push from Mac to AppleTV, or use AppleTV to pull from a Mac?

1 vote

Need AirPlay and a network drive - is having two devices my only option?

1 vote

How can I show only certain movies in iTunes on the Apple TV 2nd Generation?

1 vote

Can I stream movies from external drive to the new Apple TV?

1 vote

Switching from a Mac Mini HTPC to an Apple TV: what solution for watching these mkv files?

1 vote

Why can't I add new m4v videos to my iTunes library?

1 vote

Can I direct the audio signal from Apple TV?

1 vote

iPad Remote app with Apple TV 2 not remembering where I was in iTunes pane

1 vote

Apple TV Home Videos

1 vote

Purchased an entire season of a show, but newest episodes are requesting payment of $2.99

0 votes

changing the meta key in emacs

0 votes

Change computer Apple TV uses to connect to iTunes

0 votes

Streaming video from shared Mac folder to AppleTV?

0 votes

AirFlick Error: VLC not found

0 votes

How can I remove errant podcast entries in iTunes?

0 votes

AppleTV 3 on a LAN network (no internet) with a PPC Mac and iPhone

0 votes

Airparrot 2.6.2 not running in macOS Sierra

0 votes

Does AirPlay online stream to Apple TV still go through the iPad?

0 votes

Where is the temp folder?

0 votes

How to enable AirPlay mirroring on an iPad mini?

0 votes

How can I easily run multiple sites with PHP, Apache and mySQL for free on mac?

-1 votes

Script iTunes to prepend Season and Episode number (padded) to episode title

-1 votes

How do I update my jailbroken Apple TV to 5.3?