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@WGroleau The way bmike describes how it should work is correct (i.e. purchases drain the balance before the organiser’s default payment method is used for any shortfall). However, I've seen your situation arise before and actually helped someone in this situation a few weeks back. The fix involved everyone checking their payment methods are current, including default method, and then ensuring they had a balance on their individuals Apple IDs because if there's no balance it always goes to the family organiser's payment method. Not how it should work in my opinion, just the way it is.
Yes, that is clearer now, thanks. Out of curiosity, why do you need to enter this as a text string (i.e. ="1+2+3") instead of just using digits (i.e. =1+2+3)?
Welcome to Ask Different. :) I hope you find this site a valuable source of info/help. Unfortunately, your question isn't totally clear in terms of what you're trying to do. At first reading it comes across like you just need to add the = to the beginning of your string so that Numbers sees it as a formula, but I'm guessing that's not what you're really asking. Can you clarify by editing your question.
Report back what you found after booting into Safe Mode. If the problem still persists in Safe Mode, then also try creating a new user account and logging into that to test what the MBA does with the same settings.
Unfortunately, short answers such as this don't really provide enough detail or context to help many users. And, just providing a link isn't very helpful as it may no longer work in future. Instead, could you please edit your answer (there's an edit link below it) to include a summary of the content you're linking to? This will make your answer more self-contained and help preserve it for other users in future.
Hmm, interesting question. My first thought had been a password protected disk image, but I've never tested that approach with /etc/hosts. Can I ask for an example of the types of processes which need access to the file?
@d-b I agree - this needs to be a new question. If a specific macOS update is what resolved the issue here, it's obviously not going to be the solution for you (unless you're running an old OS version pre the update in question, in which case you would just ensure all updates are installed). Apart from that, posting a new question is your best bet here.