How do I turn off swap in Catalina?
@mariano-daniel, I did not. I was curious if the OP found out how, but I wasn’t looking to do it myself.
How do I turn off swap in Catalina?
SSDs lifespans are actually quite good. People tend to blow the actual numbers way out of proportion. That said, it is your drive so do what you feel is best for you and it. :) I wish I could help with the actual task, but I figured I'd at least help make sure you really knew what you were asking for. Looks like you do. XD As an aside, Windows might live without swap better than macOS since it is a pretty easy setting to find. If it is even possible in macOS to turn off swap it is probably an unsupported hack, and as such the OS might not like it as well as Windows. Again, I'm curious. ;)
How do I turn off swap in Catalina?
And Swap only thrashes the drive when you are running out of RAM and switching between applications, and that is exactly when you'd also be most likely to see something simply crash if you turn swap off. So if you turn off swap you'd want to use less RAM to avoid things crashing, but if you are purposefully using less RAM to avoid crashing you could just use less RAM to reduce swap. So I don't see much reason to turn it off unless you are in for the learning experience, which to be honest I think is reason enough. ;) Just don't forget applications expect swap these days and might not behave.
How do I turn off swap in Catalina?
Also, they are aware of the write limits of SSD. I'm sure they are careful not to swap out to SSD more than necessary. And in the days of HDD swapping things out of RAM was extremely slow, so it probably avoids it on HDD as well. All things considered, the system is probably optimized to avoid swap if it can. Which is actually what the compression thing is all about; compressing and decompressing RAM, when it can, is much faster than swapping to the drive. So again, I imagine the system avoids swapping out to the drive unless necessary.
How do I turn off swap in Catalina?
Oops, I meant thrash, not trash. ;) No offense, but what makes you think you know better than the designers of the OS? Modern macOS is built on the concept of having Swap available, if it isn't then things will probably run worse than better. Yes, RAM is always faster than the SSD, and the OS developers know that. They aren't going to swap out RAM willy-nilly for no reason. If you turn swap off there is a chance something will run out of memory and simply crash. Not sure how that is a better alternative. ;) If you figure out how to turn it off I am curious how things go.
How do I turn off swap in Catalina?
Out of curiosity, why do you want to turn it off? So you won't trash your hard drives?
Saved passwords in Safari keep coming back
added 498 characters in body
Saved passwords in Safari keep coming back
@allan Just checking in a couple years later to say I'm still ticked off by this stupid behavior. I know it isn't an easy system to balance, but I still feel like the system is very off-putting to new users that genuinely want to participate in the community but aren't allowed to because they are too inexperienced to have good answers, yet aren't allowed to comment because they are still too new. So they are stuck in a silent limbo waiting for the rare question one of the big guys hasn't gotten to yet, or hope to get a couple upvotes from the people that bothered to scroll past the top answer.
Saved passwords in Safari keep coming back
@patrix I do now, but I didn't when I wrote the answer.
Can I have Windows share disk space with macOS?
@VaddadiKartick I'm also a geek that likes to learn from these sorts of answers. Just about everything I know about computers comes from searching the web for answers that are simple enough for novices. I've read too many that may have well be in Latin, but after reading enough well explained answers I've started to move up into understanding the more complicated ones. ;)
Can I have Windows share disk space with macOS?
@VaddadiKartick Thank you for the comment! I don't have nearly enough knowledge on the subject to be sure there isn't some glaring flaw in my logic but I believe that I covered it as best I could. I hope to learn more someday and maybe come back and update this answer if I can. I get the feeling that it is technically possible, just hasn't been done yet.
Saved passwords in Safari keep coming back
added 243 characters in body
Saved passwords in Safari keep coming back
@Allan I didn't want to make this an answer and would have rather just left a comment on the other answer, but when I wrote this answer I didn't have sufficient reputation to write comments, which is rather frustrating. I understand the idea of limiting certain functions by amount of reputation in order to prevent bots and trolls from causing mayhem but I don't get why comments require more reputation than answers. And this is exactly why. I got a down vote for doing something I genuinely didn't want to have to do but I wasn't allowed to do what I wanted to due to the reputation system.