This question
I'd like answers to form something like:
- a shortlist of things that appear illogical or impossible in Disk Utility.
I'll seed at least one answer to exemplify what I have in mind.
For some of the things mentioned, there will be answers elsewhere in Stack Exchange – so here, commentary may be minimal.
Maybe more noticeable with Mountain Lion than with Lion:
- some capabilities that are integral to the operating system are misrepresented or impossible within Disk Utility
- some capabilities that are added by third part software are misrepresented within Disk Utility
… and so on.
Recall that features such as Core Storage and FileVault 2 are relatively new, and without native support in Snow Leopard, so let's be gentle in our observations – for any peculiarity, assume that an overriding mantra of 'first do no harm' is applied by Apple.
Beyond this question
A redesign of Disk Utility, by Apple, is desirable but that will be beyond the scope of Ask Different so please: no design suggestions here.