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X ssh forwarding not working from a macOS 13.4.1 to Debian Linux 11

I have currently an issue about trying to get a SSH X forwarding connection from a macOS Ventura to a Debian Linux 11. I am using XQuartz 2.8.4 (2.8.5 failed in installation). I don't know where the ...
guizmo133's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to run Linux gui apps on macOS (e.g. via XQuartz)

I'm trying to run some Linux applications on macOS. I have installed XQuartz but if I attempt for instance to run firefox it does something - i.e. the firefox process can be seen by ps: $ps -ef | ...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What do you call the OSX Window Server, Window Manager, and Desktop Environment?

In Linux we have three layers that represent the Window Server, Window Manager, and Desktop Environment. All of those three layers have more than one competing technology. I'm confused when talking ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Poor X Windows performance

I use Macs a lot to host applications running on Linux boxes via X Windows, but tend to find that, after some period of time, I can no longer open new X Windows clients on the Mac - I get messages ...
adrianmcmenamin's user avatar