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Run Safari over ssh (xquartz) from remote linux

I have a Mac Mini (2023, M2) and I would like to connect to it and run Safari remotely from a Linux laptop. I am not trying to connect to a Linux (or Windows) server from a Mac client, here the "...
AntonOfTheWoods's user avatar
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7k views spawns itself periodically stealing focus

Ever since I switched to Mavericks I experience a problem with keyboard focus when using X11 based apps (that's at least how it manifests) I have narrowed it down to Safari's
Jamgold's user avatar
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Running GUI application from Console Login

What I'm trying to do is after logging into the >console on my mac mini run safari. Its on 10.6.8 if that matters, I've tried a 10.8.3 machine. Once logged in, I login as root. From here is it ...
Snazzy757's user avatar