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3 votes
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Run Safari over ssh (xquartz) from remote linux

I have a Mac Mini (2023, M2) and I would like to connect to it and run Safari remotely from a Linux laptop. I am not trying to connect to a Linux (or Windows) server from a Mac client, here the "...
AntonOfTheWoods's user avatar
2 votes
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looking for something more modern than X11 "streaming" with local Vagrant Linux VMs

I have a similar question like Alternatives for XQuartz?, because XQuartz is discontinued since 2016 and X11 feels in general obsolete. I use vagrant to spin up Linux VMs and connect with ssh to the ...
Sybil's user avatar
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Cannot connect to x11vnc server from other client

Hello guys I have installed x11vnc server on MAC OS el capital but trying to connect remotely and stream the images of desktop only a black image is rendered to vnc client do you have any idea? I am ...
chatzich's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to run remote applications on OS X like X11 does?

Is there any application that can be installed in OS X (Lion) that will allow a person to run applications from the host system on a guest system, displaying only the windows for the application? In ...
Ralph's user avatar
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