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2 answers

How do I do "Hey Siri" on Mac?

On iOS, you can activate the Hey Siri feature in Settings and call out "Hey Siri" at any time to activate Siri without pressing a button. How can I do the same thing on macOS?
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Daemons or other processes responsible for dictation in 10.8?

Dictation in Mountain Lion is a nice little feature that works great for me. However I often need to switch between dictation languages, so going through the System Preferences is way too many clicks ...
René's user avatar
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Using dictation to transcribe audio files in batch?

I have lots of audio files that I want transcribed. Dictation is the best transcriber I have found that will run on my MacBook (there exist others like PocketSphinx but this is no where near as ...
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Keyboard shortcut for "Show numbers" dictation command

I have difficulty using mice for a significant period of time due to hand problems, and especially have difficulty with clicking. I try my best to use the keyboard when possible, but switching between ...
Autoturk's user avatar