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MacOS - Dim or Sleep external Display without cutting power to peripherals

I am using a MacBook (M1 MBP Sonoma 14.1.2) with an external display (BenQ P3). The screen acts as a hub and powers my audio interface and external hard drives. Currently my Mac will go to a ...
crz's user avatar
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How to find an app that blocks the screen saver or auto turns the display off?

Yesterday, my MacBook was on the screen/display for 24 hours non-stop. Below is the "Screen Time" data. I actually wanted to ask why it's happened, but after I asked here I tried to close ...
Muhammad Dyas Yaskur's user avatar
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Screensaver/turn off second screen while not in use

So I've started working with an external monitor connected to my MacBook Pro trough a elgato thunderbolt 2 dock. I've made the external monitor my primary monitor, and since it's ultrawide I rarely ...
Muffin's user avatar
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Displays won't sleep while screen-saver is running [duplicate]

So, I've got my screen-saver set to come on after 5 minutes, … and my display to sleep after 1 hour: Unfortunately, I get up every morning, and the displays are still running Aerial. I really, ...
ELLIOTTCABLE's user avatar
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Macbook pro external display (while in clamshell mode) won't sleep all of a sudden

before, when I left my macbook pro alone for 15 minutes in clamshell mode the external display would go to sleep instead of putting on a screen saver. Now all of a sudden it goes into screen saver and ...
Neo's user avatar
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Is there a way for locking the screen and putting it to sleep/activating the screen saver to be two different events on a MBP?

This question is very similar to what I want to accomplish, except for the fact that I also want to be able to put the display to sleep at times without triggering it to ask me for a password. I ...
JNat's user avatar
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Why didn't my Macbook sleep (USB Keyboard/Mouse was connected, lid open)

First off, let's begin with some research that I did before asking this question. Now, in my situation, I was using my Macbook Pro (Mountain Lion) with an Apple USB keyboard connected to the computer....
ecbrodie's user avatar
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Sleeping screen (Cinema Display) keeps waking up. How can I make it sleep until mouse is moved?

I have my Mac Pro (Cyrus) configured not to fall asleep completely but to let the screen sleep when not used for half an hour. I also use the keyboard shortcut for forcing the display to sleep. ...
Andrew J. Brehm's user avatar