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TextInputSwitcher gets killed frequently

I have been using Ctrl + Space to switch input methods recently. Sometimes, I need to press Ctrl + Space twice to trigger the switch. I found that this process: TextInputSwitcher is responsible for ...
YQ Pan's user avatar
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How to make ' and < map to the right keys (force change from ANSI to ISO)?

My separate keyboard (a Das Keyboard 4 Ultimate with ISO layout) has, to my chagrin, a different and erroneous keyboard mapping than the MacBook's built-in (also ISO). The biggest annoyance is the ...
bjornte's user avatar
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How to modify .GlobalPreferences.plist file?

my objective is to create a keyboard shortcut to activate/deactivate the "replace with" on Mac. The idea is to create an automation that can be activated with a shortcut trough services. ...
Pa Dalton's user avatar
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On a MacBook with macOS Catalina, how do I unlock the Keyboard-en.plist file?

File path: /System/Library/Input Methods/ After disabling System Integrity Protection (SIP) in macOS ...
GruentleBarrk's user avatar
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adding accents (just acute) to .plist for Cyrillic vowels

I have El Capitan 10.11.6 and I would like to be able to add acute marks above all vowels, lower and upper case. I did this: defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true I could not get ...
nate's user avatar
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How can I script the keyboard backlight settings?

I'm looking to change settings with a script, but I can't find where the plist data for the keyboard backlight settings is stored. For example, in the System Preferences, I'd like to modify the ...
trusktr's user avatar
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Set service keyboard shortcut and have change take effect programtically

I have the following script to set a services shortcut: set serviceName to "(null) - VimAnywhere - runWorkflowAsService" set libPrefPath to POSIX path of (path to preferences folder from user domain ...
Chris Knadler's user avatar