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Can the performance of MacOS Extend Display between Macs be improved by cable connection?

I have a M1 Mac Studio from which I "Extend Display" to a 16" M1 MacBook Pro, via the setting "Use As Separate Display". The connection happens over Wi-Fi, and the wireless ...
P A N's user avatar
  • 10.1k
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What is the best way to show the speed of copying files on a Mac?

I'm using macbookpro 16inch, Catalina 10.15.5 . I connect to my external SSD drive (SAMSUNG T5) from usb-C to usb-C. When using drag and drop in finder , it took 5 sec to copy a 1,47 Gb file. I need ...
andio's user avatar
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Every several minutes, all my open windows re-adjust their content and text layout

Every several minutes, my computer nearly halts as it all the windows have their content re-adjusted. It seems as though all the text, at least, is being re-rendered. Perhaps the entire window's ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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OSX El Capitan freezes after connecting to SMB share

Why does OS X El Capitan freeze after it connects to an SMB share? The OS will successfully connect to the remote SMB share and mount it. After a short time passes, the Finder freezes and the entire ...
Jhonnytunes's user avatar
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Mac Mini has slowed to an unbearable crawl!

I've read a lot of other questions about speed, but my question does not seem to be answered anywhere. My Mac Mini is running so slow that I cannot see what I am typing. It takes up to 15 seconds to ...
dihakz's user avatar
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