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Questions tagged [motion-processor]

hardware devices like accelerometers coupled with software (or firmware) that provide motion data

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When "Reduce motion" is enabled, it annoys me that the screen 'blinks' when changing from one app to the other. Is there way of disabling this blink?

This annoys me a bit as I've got sensitive eyes and I would love to find a solution. Haven't found anything on macos official websites
uber's user avatar
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6 votes
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Fishy moves at night

Today, due to some reasons I factory-reset my iPhone. When I’m setting up (pressing those “Get Started”), I found something fishy in the Health app. I rarely work after 1am, and recently I did start ...
tonychow0929's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

iPhone SE powers on whenever moved, defective? [duplicate]

Got a new grey iPhone SE for Christmas from the Verizon store. Seems to work fine except for one issue. When the phone is off (standby), any sudden motion turns the phone on, as if the home or power ...
Snowbody's user avatar
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Motion tracking no longer working on 6S

I recently purchased an iPhone 6S, and the motion tracking worked for a few days, but then in the past four days it has recorded no steps or flights climbed. This morning, the phone started recording ...
Guillochon's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Difference between the M7 and M8 coprocessors?

What's the difference between the M7 and M8 coprocessors? I've been unable to find a clear answer online. On the iPhone 6 webpage, Apple simply states: When you’re in motion, the M8 motion ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Why do we need a motion coprocessor?

Apple talks about the M7 and M8 motion coprocessors for the iPhone pedometer and other operations. My question is Why do we need a motion coprocessor? Surely this is just digital signal processing ...
hawkeye's user avatar
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Diagnostics on M7 motion coprocessor

I own an iPhone 5S and use the apps Argus and Nike+ Move that utilize the M7 motion coprocessor. A few weeks ago both apps were unable to properly import motion data (they would hang when loading up ...
masotime's user avatar
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Contention for M7 Motion Chip?

What happens when multiple apps access the M7 motion chip? When one app reads a step count, does it zero the counter for other apps, or will other apps also be able to access the step count and double ...
Jim L.'s user avatar
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