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Jailbreak Detection in Apple Profile Manager

Am I able to detect if a phone has been jailbroken if it is managed/supervised by Apple Profile Manager?
thebarless's user avatar
2 votes
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Device enrollment returns 500 error in OS X Server

I'm currently working with OS X Server (Yosemite) to try and create profiles for certain devices. It appears that I have configured the server correctly, and I have assigned a domain to it. When I ...
Caleb's user avatar
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Allowing MDM users to not only enroll devices (/mydevices) but also assign them to certain groups?

So I would love to allow one of our users access to not only add their own devices (as they do now by going to server/mydevices), but also decide which group the device should belong to. The user has ...
Christian A. Strømmen's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Device Enrollment works for desktop but fails for iOS devices

I've been doing a ton of reading, and even found this question ( Device enrollment fails, error: server certificate is invalid ) and followed the instructions. I first installed my Godaddy ...
Chase Florell's user avatar