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How do I prevent audio from muting when I use dictation?

I interview people on zoom and write notes on my thoughts as they speak. I type slowly and would like to dictate while they're talking (while my Zoom mic is muted). However, every time I begin ...
Rob's user avatar
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How to delete audio input option in system preferences macOS

I've got a problem: Since I am using my new Elgato Thunderbolt 3 Pro dock, the macOS dictation won't work anymore. It seems like macOS won't use the internal microphone for dictation. I changed the ...
WalterBeiter's user avatar
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Is there a way to make Dictation the default type-in method instead of the Keyboard (iPhone)?

Each time we want to use the dictation option (on an iPhone at least), we need to click on the microphone button on the keyboard Is there a way to automatically use dictation when we want to type-in ...
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