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Intermittent Keyboard Failure when Waking from Sleep

So after a pretty catastrophic failure (see: Yosemite Upgrades: Lost and Broken User Accounts ) I have reinstalled Yosemite on my old tower-style Mac Pro and begin the work of restoring from backups. ...
Fomite's user avatar
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Previous Shutdown Cause: -2

We have a new Mac Pro (3.6 GHz) running MacOSX 10.9.3 that unexpectedly powers off. We've taken it in for service twice and the Geniuses were not able to reproduce the issue and the hardware ...
AllInOne's user avatar
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Mac Pro won't sleep any more

The past couple days, command-option-eject no longer puts my Mac Pro to sleep. I haven't done any software updates in that time. No process seems to be doing anything very interesting, or CPU-...
Ken's user avatar
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Lion sleep (or hibernate) closes all applications [closed]

[Disclaimer: I'm not an avid OS X user so I don't probably use the exact terminology or language] I had a Mac Pro with Snow Leopard at work and I usually don't turn it off when going home. The next ...
YuppieNetworking's user avatar
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Why won't my Mac Pro wake from sleep at the scheduled time?

I have a 2007 Mac Pro (running Lion) that has been on the same schedule for a long time; it is set to go to sleep at 1am, and wake up at 7am. Recently, it sleeps through its wakeup time. If I press ...
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