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Questions tagged [internet-explorer]

Internet Explorer (commonly abbreviated to IE or MSIE), is a web browser developed by Microsoft. Almost all questions about Internet Explorer are off-topic, because they don't involve Apple products; please ask them on Super User instead.

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42 votes
12 answers

How can I test with Internet Explorer while on my Mac?

I work on a Mac, but most of my users are on Windows. What's an easy way to test my websites in IE 7, 8, & 9? Wine seems kinda buggy and unfriendly.
Michael Durrant's user avatar
38 votes
3 answers

Is there no such thing as Microsoft Internet Explorer for Mac OS X?

This is my first Mac and I'm wondering: is there no Microsoft Internet Explorer for Mac OS X? I am a web developer and I need IE (not really lol) but so as I Google it, I see some questionable ...
somdow's user avatar
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