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Where does Drafts save my markdown files?

Drafts is marketed as a Markdown editor, and supposedly it saves your files in iCloud. However, if you open the "Drafts" folder inside iCloud Drive there is not a Markdown file in sight. ...
iconoclast's user avatar
  • 10.4k
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A way to generate a universal image URL that works between Mac and iOS (DropBox, iCloud, other?)

I'm looking for a way to make all my markdown file universal that is work on iOS, Mac, even Linux/Window/Android. I want to have a single folder where I stick all my images and then point to that ...
zeltak's user avatar
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7 answers

Export from to Markdown format?

Using notes is handy as you can have it in multiple devices and makes transition almost effortless. I'm willing to move some of these to Markdown so I can share the content and add formatting to it. ...
pablora's user avatar
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Missing folder in iCloud drive! [closed]

Installed MWeb for iOS and it created a folder, its available in my phone's iCloud drive but not in Web or Mac iCloud drive! Created a test folder and made sure no sync issues. Any help is appreciated
Cosmic string's user avatar