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Get total and average of minutes in each zone of exercise exertion

I have an Apple Watch and iPhone with the latest OS software. I also have the Gentler Streak app. These tools track my exercise including the intensity at each of the six zones, 0-5. I see these ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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Healthkit data: Is the XML data you manually export from the iPhone the same as the Healthkit data

I want to know if the environmental noise data from Apple watch (or for that matter any health data parameter) has a higher resolution if you access it via Healthkit (or from iCloud) vs. manually ...
Kvothe123's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Meditation timer that reports mindful minutes to the Health app?

Is there a simple meditation timer app that actually logs time spent meditating to the Health app as mindful minutes? I need just a simple timer, no guided meditation (and certainly no subscription). ...
Alesh Houdek's user avatar