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Disable dictation from command line

Is it possible to disable dictation from the command line, so that macOS never asks again if I want to enable it? I know that many such things can be done using defaults write but couldn't find the ...
syntagma's user avatar
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Possible to redirect or pipe audio into dictation and pipe or redirect text out?

I want to convert text to audio and back to text for error-checking. I know how to get 'say' to go to a file but not a pipe. Apparently a third-party 'espeak' can go to a pipe. But I don't find a ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to record human voice and display as text on command line?

I am looking tool or a script that records human voice and displays as text purely on command line. I am not looking for text to speech, but rather speech to text. I do not want to work at all with ...
user3585284's user avatar
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In Mavericks, is it possible to use Enhanced Dictation from the command line?

A use case is: I have a recording in AIFF or MP3 format, and I'd like a text version of it as Enhanced Dictation would have recognized it if I had spoken it myself.
Jean-Philippe Pellet's user avatar
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Using dictation in the command line (e.g. transcribe an audio recording to a text file)

I have some audio recordings and would like to transcribe them into text files. I was wondering whether there is a command line tool that could use the built-in Dictation to do that? And if so, is ...
instanceof me's user avatar